uCon HomePage
The toolbar supports a few quick one-touch

From left to right:
- File configuration group:
- Open a configuration file
- Save current configuration to currently opened
config file.
- Connection state group:
- Disconnect uCon from
the COM port it is currently attached to.
- Reconnect uCon to the COM port it is attached to.
- Modem and baudrate control group (see note below):
- Toggle state of RTS (Request To Send).
- Toggle state of DTR (Data Terminal Ready).
- Send BREAK on COM port.
- For each click, step to the next value in the list
of baud rates on the COM port.
- Monitor state of DCD (data-carrier-detect)
- Monitor state of DSR (data-set-ready)
- Monitor state of CTS (clear-to-send)
- Monitor state of RI (ring in).
- Window group:
- Toggle the state (presence of) of the trace window.
- Clear the console screen.
- Miscellaneous group:
- Enable/disable time stamping.
- Toggle the state of standard logging
to a file. This assumes initial set up of logging with the Logging->Standard menu item.
- Script control group:
- Stop a running script
(only active is script is running).
- Pause a running script
(only active is script is running).
- Resume a paused script
(only active if script is paused).
- Execute next line (step) of paused script (only active is script is paused).
- uCon overview (help)
Note: the presence of the modem and baudrate control group can be changed with View->ComPortCtrl