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Mouse Based Copying of Text
uCon supports typical mouse-based copying
(to the clipboard) of text on the main window. It also supports the ability to copy the entire screen buffer to the clipboard.
Here's the scoop on what is supported...
Using left button to copy text:
This "click-swipe-release" operation is similar to a
normal copy operation with standard windows programs.
A "double-click" operation is available to
have uCon copy whatever text is whitespace delimited around the
position of the cursor at the time of the double click.
Use right button to display console floating menu...

Typical paste-from-copybuffer functionality
Same as 'Paste', but append newline to end of text.
Transfer entire screen buffer to the copy buffer.
Copy Screen Only:
Transfer only the screen content to the copy buffer.
Edit Screen Buffer:
Open up your configured editor* (see Config->Miscellaneous) with the content of the screen buffer.
Edit Screen Only:
Open up your configured editor* (see Config->Miscellaneous) with the content of the screen only.
Open up your configured editor* (see Config->Misellaneous).
Clear the console window.
Clear the trace window.
* Default editor is Notepad